What was the solution?
Allweiler PC Pumps with controlled Bauer permanent magnet motors have been in use there since 2017. They have proven themselves and led to significantly lower power consumption.
The choice of motor can therefore have a decisive influence, on the efficiency, and thus the power consumption with the same delivery flow and service life. PC Pumps are often controlled via frequency converters and run at the lowest possible speed to precisely match the current flow requirements. This increases the service life of the pump, and at the same time there is enough reserve for exceptionally large amounts of water. In the case of the asynchronous motors predominantly used up to now, the efficiency drops.
The motor then does not generate the required torque, but heat. In addition, external fans are therefore often required for their operation. Since PCPs require a high breakaway torque due to the interference fit of its hydraulic, asynchronous motors must be oversized compared to the requirements in operation - the higher power is only required when the pump starts up. Permanent magnet motors, on the other hand, deliver their power regardless of the speed. They can therefore be designed at least two sizes smaller than asynchronous motors.
The Bauer permanent magnet synchronous motors used meet the legal requirements of IE3 and IE4. Their strength lies in their use in the partial load range. In standard applications under partial load conditions, energy savings of more than 30 % can often be achieved compared to asynchronous motor technology. In an optimized combination with Allweiler PC Pumps, it is not only the efficiency that increases. The costs of the overall system are also improved. The energy savings reduce the electricity costs and the grid connection power - and thus the operating costs of the entire production site.